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miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Star post

Hello I'm the star of this week, Julia Egea.

This week we have done some conceptual maps abot the educational laws.

These are our Cmaps:

Then on monday we wer divided. I was with It'school and half of Platypus. And my group was with the star of It'school and the other half of Platypus.

Linda told us to evaluate the works that we have done. We did it question by question, answering it and marking each work. We did it very well and finished early

After a little break, we had to mix the works. 

This is the one I made with It'school:

And this is the one that my group made:

I hope you enjoy our blog!



Hello everybody!
My name is Carmen Carpena and this week I am the... ANALYST!!
I have realized that this role is too complicated because I have to analyse all the members of the group every day, their work, their attitude... everything, and it is very difficult.

As you know, this week we have had to do a mindmap, I mean, a diagram with the information summarize, in this case is about the spanish educational laws: the LOE and the LOMCE.
I have realized that there is the last week before Easter holidays and it seems like yesterday when we were in the first class of SOyER and we were really scared because we did not know what we were going to do. At first, we found it very difficult but the weeks passed and we were more confident with ourselves and the scare started to decrease little by little... In fact, I think this subject not only teaches us in the way of the information, it teaches us also to have more confidence in ourselves and to work in group and have a good organization.

In this activity we have learnt the contents of these educational laws and what are the differences between them. Also, we have learnt how to do a good mindmap and how to summarize well the information. In addition, I think we have learnt how to have a good organization in the group because we have divide the work in a very good way.
The worst moment in the week was when we realized that we had done the work bad and, after all the labour we had done, we had to change it and restructure all the contents we had in the mindmap. It was a very bad new for all of us.

I think the contents we have had to do in this activity are very related with our degree because we are going to be teachers and all good teacher have to know the educational laws because we are going to be subjected by this laws and it is important that we start to know them.

Moving on, in my opinion we have to improve somethings as a group. We have to trust us more, I mean, I think we should be able to talk sincerely with someone. If any member of the group has a problem with other member or if someone has done anything that have had feel bad other member, we have to be able to talk with him/her and explain what is the problem.

I am very sure that in the next week we will solve these problems!

I hope you enjoy the blog, see you next week!!

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015


Hello again everybody!

This week I am the helper, there is only one role left to complete all the roles we have. Being the helper does not mean that I do not have to do anything important, by contrast I have to do all the things I do every week (Come up with ideas, implication…) and moreover, I have to help the other roles. For example, today my mate Maria could not come to class because she has had a problem. So, when Linda has said that she wanted to talk with all the facilitators because we had misunderstood the activity, I did the role as facilitator in that moment because Maria needs my help. This is the main function of this role.
The activity of this week has been to explore the basic legislation about our educational system. In order to learn it as better as possible we are preparing a game that is a mix of the Oca´s game with Trivial and we have to make questions about the topic.

This activity, as a game, has a prize so we are going to try the best as we can.

This week, we have done two conceptual maps about the topics Linda chose for us. On Monday, we compared all the conceptual maps about the same topic as ours that had been done by our colleagues of Platypus and It´school and we did a big one putting the best part of each one together. The next weeks, we are going to make questions and in the final week we are going to do the game.

In my opinion with this activity we are going to learn a lot about our educational system but the most important is that we do it in a funny and enjoyable way.

See you next week as my last role: Translator!                                                         

Journalist Post by Lucía Grau.

Hello friends, Lucia is here again, but this week my role is Journalist.

First of all, I'll tell you a little what we have done this week.
The task of this week was about our education system, know well our laws and fundamentals is very important to be good teachers.

We had to make two mind map about two points of the six that were available. Linda's divided so that we had to do point 3. Organization of Primary Education and 6. Administration and Governance at Local and / or Institutional Level (II).
We divided into two groups to do the job, we readed all the information and summarize it, and then we organized the work of carrying out the mind map into two groups , the first did the point 3 and the second point 4. As we are seven in our group, we divided into working groups of three, and the star was involved in both groups. The organization of the groups was made taking into account the days that could meet because some of us Thursday we went to our people.
We got together Tuesday to point three...

... And Wednesday for the sixth point.
On Monday when we arrived to class, Linda commanded us a new task. We had to come together with other groups. Our group received visitors of Platypus group and star of ItSChool group. Julia, our star worked with the group of ItSChool. We had to evaluate the mindmap we had done. Then we had to choose the one we liked and add or remove items considered necessary to make it great.

The experience of this week to work with other groups has been good because we were able to assess our own mistakes, comparing them with other work of our colleagues. But also it has also been difficult to agree with the assessment.

Here you have some photos of the class of Monday:

I hope you liked it and you've found interesting.
Thanks for your attention. See you soon bloggers.


Not a typical farmer

Hello bloggers here is Ana Góngora informing,

This is our 6th week of work and we are so proud about what we have been doing these weeks. This task consisted on reading a lot, but not in different articles, we were focused on the law and its changes. This is the reason why I have chosen Text 2 Mind Map because we can observe better the different documents on which we have found information.

Now I have been in almost every role I can say that this one had a bit of difficulty about references in APA and also about choosing if I should use Pearl Trees or Text 2 Mind Map (both of them have been used before). Apart from that I have been helped by my colleagues in every problem I had.

I hope continues steps of this week would be great!!!

Hope you like it!!

Documents references:

Jefatura del Estado (2013). Ley Organica 2-2006. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/espana/eh14/educacion/Documents/LOE%202.2006.pdf.

Gobierno de Espana. Requisitos de acceso a la educacion primaria. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.mecd.gob.es/educacion-mecd/areas-educacion/sistema-educativo/ensenanzas/educacion-
 CCOO ensenanza. Tabla comparativa LOE/LOMCE. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.ugr.es/~fjjrios/pce/media/4-2-lo-LOMCE-LOEcomparitivaCCOO.pdf.
Jefatura del Estado (2013). BOE. Legislacion Consolidada LOMCE. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/12/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-12886.pdf.

Jefatura del Estado (2006). BOE. Legislacion Consolidada LOE. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2006/05/04/pdfs/A17158-17207.pdf.

Eurypedia. The spanish education system. [ONLINE] Available at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Spain:Overview.

Por otra politica educativa. Desarrollo de la LOMCE. [ONLINE] Available at: http://porotrapoliticaeducativa.org/eldesarrollo- de-la-lomce/.

Here you have the mindmap of this week:

Facilitate everything as my role requires

Hi everybody!!!

I am María and this week my role is "facilitator".

Well, I like this role a lot as I am used to do it. When we have to organize the group for any work not only in this subject, I do not mind to organize and make clear the points of the work, and facilitate the part of the work to each member of the group. And if there are problems or doubts I do not mind solve them if I can.

So,  the work of the facilitator is to be the boss of the group, is in charge of divide, coordinate and organize the work of every member in the group. Also you have to encourage the dynamic of the group and be the key person in the solution of personal affairs between members. In addition, the facilitator is in charge of the conserve and guarantee the blog's quality, as well as answer the comments, correct the spelling and so on.

Last week, after the explanation of the activity by Linda, our teacher, we talk all together and we realize that the week was a bit difficult to meet the day that we usually met for this subject as it was festive and the members from other places wanted to go there to stay with their family what is totally comprehensible, so the solution was to meet in two days, those who are not from Murcia, on Tuesday and the rest of us, the next day as usually. Unless the star that went to both meetings.

The task was divided in two, one point for each subgroup, and then inside each subgroup, divided the point in different parts.

It was a difficult task, for me specially due to my part was very difficult to find out; and it took me at least three days reading the laws, "LOE and LOMCE" and the "BOE".

Finally, today morning was a disaster due to I was going to catch the bus, to get into class at time, and when I  was at the bus station, I have realized that I had lost my target... So I have had to came back to look for it, my goodness!

It was on the middle of my street, 15 minutes from the station..., so I have returned to catch the bus and I have lost it, only for three minutes :,(. Then I caught it at 9.00 and at 9.30 I was at the university, but I am not able to go in after twenty minutes so I decided not to go in due to Linda does not like.

So, I was there since 9.30 doing nothing, my god, there are days which is better not to weak  up. And when Linda called the facilitators due to a misunderstanding, one of my colleges went in my place, Inma. Thanks a lot to her and to all my colleges.

Thanks you too for reading me; I hope you like this :)

The roles this week are...

Ana Góngora: Curator farmer
Inma: Helper
Mari Carmen: Translator
María: Facilitator
Julia: Star
Carmen: Analist
Lucía: Journalist

See you soon!! 

Translator post

Hi! I'm Mari Carmen and this 6th week I have been the ..... TRANSLATOR.

I've tried to do my best choosing the most meaningful words we have learnt this week. There were lots of new terminology, but I think this five are the most important ones:

-Educative System: concept that refers to the overall structure through which education is organized in a country.

Gobierno de España (). Sistema educativo.  Available at: http://www.mecd.gob.es/educacion-mecd/areas-educacion/sistema-educativo.html

- Organic laws: are mainly characterized for being necessary from a constitutional point in order to regulate some current life aspects. They are in charge of organization. These sorts of laws just take place in some countries. Due to the importance of the issues they deal with usually special requirements are established, such as a great majority of legislator voting positively for approves it.

Definicion (2015). Definición de ley orgánica. Available at: http://definicion.de/ley-organica/.

- BOE: is the Spanish State Official Gazette (Boletín Oficial del Estado) where laws, provisions and acts of mandatory inclusion are published. Council of Minister could exceptionally publish reports, documents or official communications, whose spreading would be consider of general interest. Its content is organized in different sections:

“SECTION I. General provisions
-            -  The organic laws, laws, Royal legislative decrees and the Royal Decree.
       - Treaties and international conventions.
       -The laws of the legislative assemblies of the autonomous communities.
       -Regulations and other provisions of general character.
       -Emanating normative regulations of the Government of the autonomous communities councils.

SECTION II. Authorities and staff. Comprising two subsections:
-           -II.A  nomination, situations and incidents.
             - II.B.  competitions and contests.

SECTION III. Other provisions
-          Integrated by the provisions for compulsory publication that do not have general or correspond to the other sections: aid and grants, scholarships, service letters, collective agreements of general scope, educational plans, etc.

SECTION IV. Administration of Justice
-        -  Edicts, notices, required and announcements of the courts and tribunals.

SECTION V.  Announcements. Grouped in the following way:
-         - V.A. announcements of public tenders and contract awards.
-         - V.B. other official announcements.
-          -V.C. particular announcements.”

Gobierno de España (). Contenido y secciones del BOE. Available at: http://www.boe.es/diario_boe/preguntas_frecuentes/boe_contenido.php.

-LOE: Is the Organic Law of Education (Ley Orgánica de Educación) of Spanish Educative System from 2006 until 2013. With the entry in effect of this law the previous one, LOGSE, was repealed. Among its characteristics highlight the division of Bachelor into five branches, instead of three as in previous laws, and the separation of Primary Education into cycles of two years each.

JUAN CARLOS I, (2006). I. Disposiciones generales. BOE. 106.

-LOMCE: is the Organic Law of Improvement of Education Quality (Ley Orgánica de la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa). It has entry in force this school year 2014/15. LOMCE can be featured by introducing revalidations along the scholar life of students in order to keep moving forward on the educational system, giving one third of the participation on the school board to teachers, included the director, and by giving a more important role to FP education, among others.

JUAN CARLOS I, (2013). I. Disposiciones generales. BOE. 295.

See you next week!

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015

Facilitator post

Hello everyone! I am Julia and this week I have been the facilitator. This role is so much difficult that what it seems. To be the facilitator means that you have to organize the group, divide the work, and also choose the days that you are going to meet to do the work.

I am not an organized person so it was very difficult to me and I had to do my best to organize the others in order to do a good job. Even though the work could have been done in one day, we had to meet two days, but thanks to that the work was better than if we had done it in just one day.

This week’s roles are:

  • Inmaculada Álvarez Donaire: Journalist
  • Carmen Carpena Soriano: Translator
  • Julia Egea Leal: Facilitator
  • María García Alcaraz: Star
  • Ana Caridad Góngora Rodríguez: Analyst
  • Lucía Grau Martínez: Curator-Farmer
  • MariCarmen Molina-Niñirola Ballester: Helper

In my opinion this week everyone has done their role very good, and they have done what they had to.

Sincerely, the facilitator.  


Hello everybody!
My name is Carmen, I am a member of the PowerPuffTeachers' group and this week my role is the curator-farmer.
This week we had to do a funny video explaining all the things we have learnt in this subject until now (TPACK, Treasure Hunt, Maps Proyections, all the resources we have used...).
It has been a great experience because this activity has been more entertaining than the others and we have learnt how to do this type of videos.
Also, in class it has been very funny because we have voted the videos of our classmates in the Eurovision format, with translators too.
In relation to my role, it has not been very difficult because in this activity we had not a lot of references but in contrast to this, I have helped to do the video, expose ideas... but all of us have helped each others when we needed.
Here are the references of this week. There are not so many because all the others references we have used to do the video, have already exposed in previous post written by my classmates.

- Laboratorio Educacontic. Moovly, presentaciones y animaciones en vídeo.Sitio web: http://www.educacontic.es/blog/moovly-presentaciones-y-animaciones-en-video

-Ramiro Aduviri Velasco. (23rd August 2011). Que el TPACK? Sitio web: http://cursoabierto.blogspot.com.es/2011/08/que-el-tpack.HTML

- Creatividad. (n.d.). En Wikipedia. Recuperado el 5 Marzo 2015 desde http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatividad

I hope you enjoy the blog! Thank you


Helper post

Hi bloggers!

I am Mari Carmen Molina and for this time I have been the helper of my group. This role was the idea of one of my colleagues who thought that every week one of us could be the person who help the other roles so that is why we create helper.

This week we have gone over the first part of this subject doing a video with Moovly about what we had learn until now. Moreover, monday at class we did the competition in a different way, using the Eurovision format.

Now that we have already passed throught the fisrt part of the cuatrimestre and the end of academic year is closer, some events made me stop and think. I've realized how things really are. You can come across really hard situations. This subject is not just a project, it is a first approach to adults' world. The world where we belong to now.

I've been reflecting about the degree I'm taking, about how I am and what I aspire to. And I feel that I won't be a good teacher unless  I learn how to discuss my point and my future students' needs in from of their parents, teachers and classmates.

We must make our best in every single thing we do in our lifes, no matter whether it is at home, walking on the street or at university.


Shine as a Star

Hi everybody!!

I am María and this week my role is the "star" of my group.

First of all, as a star, I am the principal character of the group, you will be the principal voice of the group in the activity and has the representation of it.

 I think that it is important to take in account that it was the first time I talk in front of almost sixty people, so I felt not a bit but very nervous unless my speech lasted thirty seconds. It consisted on explain the reason due to my group has to be the winner of the contest. I was a bit upset as all my colleges said to me: Maria that is a nonsense, come on! only thirty seconds... But I thought my goodness...

Once I was in class, my stress increased directly proportionate to the time of the exposition. Nevertheless, when our teacher, Linda said: " stars come on! Time is up! Now is your turn..."; and it was my moment I  forgot all I prepared the day before and I presented our work the better I could. After the presentation I felt so good and proud of me and of our group's work.

I really like the way Linda prepared the expositions, I mean, once more, as every week she prepared our expositions in a different way. For that reason, her classes, at least for me, are very interesting and funny.

I love the idea of making innovate classes may be because is the first time I have a teacher like she. And I would like to share with you bloggers, something Linda said to us that day: "I am not her to make you happy; I am here to make you better". It impressed me and I am sure that it would a phrase that I will use it in the future, may be when I will be an old person who says to her pupils:" When I was on the first year of my degree one of my teachers said to us...".

It could be a nonsense for someone who can't feel what a person who loves this degree feels, but at least for my; it is not a nonsense.

Thanks you for reading me, I hope you like.

See you soon! : )

Translator Post

Hi guys, I am Lucía, it is a pleasure to be back with you. This week my role is translator, so I will explain using my own words some concepts that have been important in our work of this week, "What have we Learnt During the course in School Organization". For this I need to say that we have made a video with a tool called Moovly. Our video takes as its main point the TPACK model and in a creative way we have organized all content from this model. After seeing all the videos in class we have evaluated it through the Eurovision format.
Here you have the explanations I have seen appropriate to perform as translator of this week:
Moovly:  is an original 2.0 tool with which anyone can do  free of charge your presentations or videos of most lively and dynamic way. It is a good tool to use in class and outside of class, because it is an easy tool to use and the results are great. We can include our own photos and music, with creative commons obviously. The creations that are made by this tool can be exported easily, in our case we have downloaded it and then uploaded to youtube. It is a good tool whose main limit is our imagination.
TPACK: is a model that identifies the different types of knowledge that the teacher must master to integrate technology into education. This model consists of technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge. The integration of these three types of knowledge will lead us to the ideal teacher. In our video we focused on this model, because we consider it is the most important thing we've seen so far on the subject, therefore, from each of the components of TPACK we have  explained the rest of contents of the subject.
Organization:  is the act of coordinating or divide several resources or information correctly. In our video we had to organize all the knowledge we have learned in the course so that anyone who saw the video would capture the idea of each content covered. In this case, it had to be something dynamic in a visual way.
Creativity:  is to generate new original ideas from existing ideas. In our video we had the information and content, and we had the idea to organize these contents in the form of a story, particularly in a job interview to be a teacher. With this creative way is easy that when someone sees it remember our video content.
Eurovision Format:  is a way to evaluate several candidates, comes from famous European singing contest. It is about give point to the candidates, in our case, the maximum twelve points, and a minimum of three. Using this way we can know evaluation tastes and preferences of different participants, because voters are the same groups that also participate in our contest.
I hope I have clarified your mind, and I have been helpful.


- Laboratorio Educacontic. Moovly, presentaciones y animaciones en vídeo.Sitio web: http://www.educacontic.es/blog/moovly-presentaciones-y-animaciones-en-video.

- Aduviri Velasco, R. (23rd August 2011). Que el TPACK? Sitio web: http://cursoabierto.blogspot.com.es/2011/08/que-el-tpack.HTML

-   Sitio Web: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatividad

Thank you very much for your attention bloggers.
Many kisses. Lucía.

You know that I'll be your PAPARAZZI!!!

Hello everybody! I am Inma and this week I am the journalist of the PowerPuffTeachers.
This week we had to make a video about what we have learnt on this part of this subject. It has been as a review of everything we have learnt. We used the program Moovly because we think it is more complete, there are more effects and we liked it more than Powtoon.

In the video we have wanted to share with us in a funny and creative way the things we have learnt so, we represented this as a story, that is I thought in a job interview in order to find the perfect teacher in which three people who represented the three main parts of TPACK tell to the interviewer what kind of things can offer to the school. Therefore, the man who represented technology tell all the things that we have learnt about it (YouTube, Blog, ComicLife, Mindmap...). The second man represented pedagogy and he tell all the things related to pedagogy (Work in groups, listen, roles, share ideas, organize...). The last man represented content and he tell the things related to it (TPACK,Treasure Hunt, The dark side of the books...). At the end, the three men put on top of themselves and the result is the perfect teacher related to the combination of the three main components ( Technology, Pedagogy and Content) ant it gives room to TPACK.

In order to make this video we have had to meet twice because Moovly is a complicated program that we had never used before and it is a bit tiresome because of the time. For example, if you want to change something at the beginning of the video we have to move the whole video. Moreover, you can not copy any part of the video so we had to make it one by one.

We were nervous because we have been working so hard in this video and we also wanted to win the competition.
Then, the day arrived... I loved the class we did on Monday, it was really funny and it serve to review all the things we have learnt. Every star explained what were the reasons why they had to win an we saw all the videos, some were really creative, for others were not so creative and original anymore.

Now, I want to share to us some funny and importants moments of this week and this activity:

The Boss in action: This is Julia, the facilitator of this week, who was in charge to organise the activity and the things we had to do.

        Here, we can see how the PowerPuff are working so hard (Well, we had some breaks too).

                              Our star playing with the cat after an intense sesión of working.

They are the facilitators of each group and they are also representatives in charge of telling the marks of every video. Julia who is in the middle of this collage represented the PowerPuffTeachers from Townsville.

They are our collaborators and transalators of the competition. Two of them had to put the marks on the blackboard and the other two had to translate into Spanish and French the marks which each group gave to the videos.

                                    The final marks of our class judge and our teacher Linda.


The PowerPuff choosing the song for our video in Jamendo with Creative Commons License!

The facilitators of It´school and Seven Up following the Eurovisión format in order to tell the marks of our videos. They had to point the videos from 3 to 12, giving 12 points to the video they liked the most.

 When we have received 12 points and the funny reaction of Lucía, one of the members of the PowerPuff.

We are closer to know the mark of the rest of the judge, in other words the marks that Linda, three teachers who are at the university and three teachers who are not teaching at the university give us the marks of our videos. We are impatient!!!!

Regarding some blogs I have been looking into, I have found a really interesting one. It´s about children with special needs so we can find information about how to teach children with special needs, different ways for they to learn in a funny and in a better way, investigations about whether children with this kind of needs learn better playing than in other way or not...
I think we must not forgive these children because they need to have the same opportunity to learn than the others and therefore, achive the integration of this kind of children in society. That is why I have chosen this blog.

About the blogs of our classmates: There are some of them that I really like but one of them has caught my attention due to the cartoons and the colours. This is Platypus. They are also doing a good job with this blog, it´s so lovely. I recommend you to visit it .

We hope you like this post and the blog in general because we have done the best as possible. See you next week with new News.


martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Analysis of our week

Hello everybody I am Ana Góngora (yes, I know, again…)

We are near to Holy week and so on this time I had to be the analyst of my group. Personally as weeks past I have realized that EVERY role has a difficult part and so this one has it. I have to evaluate the work of my group so I had to observed carefully and now think about what I am going to say.

As you know, this week we had to do a video summarizing all the content we have learn during these hard weeks. If I have to remark a moment of this activity for me was to realize and be proud of all the work we have done. I can perfectly remember the first day of this subject when we didn’t know our teacher and we were frightened about what we had to do! After these moments, we had to look for a lot of information we had never heard about: TPACK, map projections, blogger, good presentations... And now, we are perfectly able to explain all these knowledge to almost everyone! Now we don’t want to stop learning anymore.

The problem is that not everything is like in a fairytale... we had bad moments this week too, because it was SO DIFFICULT to found how to show everything in a short video. We spend lots of hours doing a type of “brainstorming” trying to look for the best one when finally our colleague Inma did it!

Apart from that the BIG problem was nearly to appear when we were at Maria’s house (the place where we met this week) and it was 10 o’clock at night so we had to stop working and try to continue in another moment, but almost half of our are not from Murcia (even myself) and we couldn’t stay here during the weekend because it is our only time to see our family. So our facilitator told us to be in Skype in order to help those components who stay during the Saturday doing the work. Finally we realised that Moovly can only be used in one computer, so nothing could be done... Next week (as always) we have to be conscious of the time needed in terms to finish the activity properly... IT IS THE MOMENT FOR THE CHANGE!

But not everything is bad... c’mon we have to be realist, we have a good cohesion in our group, and most of the times we get on really well...obviously we have some problems like everybody but we talk and solve them with no problems. Every time we have to do a new activity is an afternoon (or more) with lot of laughs (LOL)

If you think that this content has no relation with reality you are really mistaken, during this weekend while I was having dinner I heard a new that was talking about Flicker. I opened my eyes and ears as much as I could because I had never use this social network before working in the 20 tips of doing a good presentation and learning about Creative Common and this fact had surprised me.

I have really enjoy doing this post because I had to remember everything and apart from the bad things, good things came to my mind and make me laugh.

See you bloggers, XOXO.

The Perfect Teacher!

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Star as lifestyle

Hello everyone, my name is Ana Góngora and this week has been my time to be the star. 

At the beginning this was the role I most fear of, due to the fact that I thought it was going to be as shameful as difficult but then I realised it was not. When we first started to think about ideas for the topic of “The dark side of text books” we thought that the Info graphic could be OK but then... we run out of good ideas about how to do it (maybe because we were a bit disconnect due to the fact that was the birthday of one of our partners) so I was a little bit worried about what we were going to do. In this moment of concern Maria suggested that it could be better to do a comic and then, like in a film, Lucia and I said at the same time... WE COULD BE THE CHARACTERS! And so we did, with the astonishing skill of Lucia at photography and editing we spend the whole afternoon getting our comic ready.

It is important to take into account that we had previously read all the information and this time it was not necessary to do a speech (as normally stars do) I only needed to have clear ideas. Even thought I am a really meticulous girl so I preferred to concrete a list of advantages, disadvantages and alternatives of books.

The night before Monday I was really nervous (as my colleagues when they were stars I supposed) so I started to talk with the stars of other groups and sharing information because... Oh! I forget to said this week Linda prepared us a really new activity. She only told us that we were going to be in a museum! This is the reason why I previously said that I hadn’t the obligation to prepare a speech. The rest of stars and I were anxious because we had no idea about what Linda could ask us.

Monday arrived with more nervous and a big coffee in the morning (to be as awake as possible). The class started and all the stars take our site in thought the class near to our information (in my case the comic). We couldn’t say anything if the “visitors” do not ask us. In my case I supposed the comic was quite clear due to the fact that only a few people asked me about what ThePowerPuffTeachers wanted to say with it. The bad side of this activity is that I couldn’t enjoy the work of my colleagues because I had to stay in my place.

As my final reflection I would like to say that the star is not a bad or difficult role, you have to be conscious about the importance of the role and have clear ideas about the topic but everyone can do it. Especially this week we have display that the whole class can be incredible and because of that Linda had congratulate us. 

Here you can see our comic in English and Spanish.

This is me in the "museum"


Hello everybody! I am Inma Álvarez and this week it is my turn to be the analyst of my group.
I am getting closer to know all the roles there are in this subject. At the moment I have been star, curator-farmer, facilitator and analyst and I am always surprised with echa role. I always imagine the role different as it really is.
The main thing the analyst have to do is to evaluate each member´s work and to talk about the most important events of this week.

From my point of view, the best part of the activity was when we dressed up in order to take the photos about "Little Red Riding Hood". It was incredible how we took the photos without planning anything. We had to improvise but in spite of that we had a good time and we took a lot of lovely photos.

However, as in every week, we have a worse part of the week... we met on Tuesday in order to do the activity and we expected to finish it in just a day because it was more difficult to us to meet another day. Nevertheless, we decided to do a comic instead of a info-graphic so, the work we did on Tuesday was not useful.

Although on Thursday we used our time wisely and we could do the activity really good, next time we are going to try to do the activity in just a day because we waste our time if we meet more than once in a week. This is our next challenge!

One of the best part of this week is all we have learnt. Every week we learnt something new, but I think that in this activity we have learnt a lot of things in a attractive and funny way.
In my opinión, this activity is really interesting because it is about books, the only method our teachers have taught with in the school throughout our  lifes. We have learnt that books have a lot of negative effects on our lifes and they taught us really different than other teaching methods.

In our comic we reflect the idea of books show us only one opinion, just one perspective in order to understand things whereas the Media show us different opinions and perspectives. That´s why we compared this idea with the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" in which we tell two versions of the story.

To sum up, I think we have a good group. We learn a lot together, we have many creative ideas and we are more than colleagues. We have problems as all the groups have but, in my opinion, we have enough confidence to tell the problem to this specific person  in order to try to resolve it together. We support and help each other as a group, this is the part we have to conserve.

I hope you enjoy our blog! See you next week!

Facilitator post

Hi. I’m Mari Carmen and this week I was in charge of the facilitator role.

Week roles:

Analist:  Inma
Translator: Carmen
Journalist: Maria
Curator:  Julia
Star:   Ana
Facilitator: Mari Carmen
"Helper": Lucía

This week we dealt with an interesting, current topic we live with every day: the dark side of text books. We were asked to explain it by using new tools (web 2.0 tools) that we would display as at an art gallery on Monday lesson. We set to gatherings for this project. On the first get-together we turned down some ideas, and for the second one, the idea of making a comic took shape.

This issue focus on children’s learning and teaching. To display this conception of educational material we could use an infographic, a twitter timeline or a comic. And finally, after different ideas and despondencies there were agreement. The comic was our tool.  Our mate Lucia made a great job and it looked wonderful.

After reading some documents about this subject I thought it would be easier, but the truth is that there were a lot of work to do to obtain this beautiful, easy-to-understand comic. All of us read and all of us give ideas, then some of them were discarded. The infographic was an option, but it didn’t jelled, just remain as sketch. Another idea was brought up on Thursday, instead of an infographic it would be a comic. Comic live tool plus Photoshop made our work look really nice.

Thanks for reading

See you next week!