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miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Curator-Farmer Post

My name is Julia and I am the Curator- Farmer this week! That means that I have to colect all the references that my group and I have used for this week's task.

Apple, M. (2000) Cultural politics and the text. Official Knowledge, 2nd edn (2000), London: Routledge, pp. 42–60

Crawford, K. (2000). Researching the Ideological and Political Role of the History Textbook: Issues and Methods. International Journal of Historical Learning Teaching and Research 1, 1

Libros de texto electrónicos: Peras al olmo. Available at: http://elbonia.cent.uji.es/jordi/2012/03/04/libros-de-texto-electronicos-peras-al-olmo

Lecturas sobre libros de Texto. Available at: http://elbonia.cent.uji.es/jordi/2011/07/18/lecturas-sobre-libros-de-texto

Wikipedia. (2015). Textbook. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textbook

Georg Eckert Institut (). The Institute. Available at: http://www.gei.de/en/the-institute.html

Rapp, D. (2008). The End of Textbooks?. Available at: http://www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3750551

de Guzmán, M. (2014). ¿De verdad tenemos que comprar libros de texto para nuestros hijos?. Available at: http://nadaesgratis.es/maria-de-guzman/de-verdad-tenemos-que-comprar-libros-de-texto-para-nuestros-hijos


 I have also uplode the references in pearltrees, where you can find the picture we have used too.



 I hope you have enjoyed our work of this week.

My best regards, Julia.

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