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miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015


Hello everybody!
My name is Carmen Carpena and this week I am the... ANALYST!!
I have realized that this role is too complicated because I have to analyse all the members of the group every day, their work, their attitude... everything, and it is very difficult.

As you know, this week we have had to do a mindmap, I mean, a diagram with the information summarize, in this case is about the spanish educational laws: the LOE and the LOMCE.
I have realized that there is the last week before Easter holidays and it seems like yesterday when we were in the first class of SOyER and we were really scared because we did not know what we were going to do. At first, we found it very difficult but the weeks passed and we were more confident with ourselves and the scare started to decrease little by little... In fact, I think this subject not only teaches us in the way of the information, it teaches us also to have more confidence in ourselves and to work in group and have a good organization.

In this activity we have learnt the contents of these educational laws and what are the differences between them. Also, we have learnt how to do a good mindmap and how to summarize well the information. In addition, I think we have learnt how to have a good organization in the group because we have divide the work in a very good way.
The worst moment in the week was when we realized that we had done the work bad and, after all the labour we had done, we had to change it and restructure all the contents we had in the mindmap. It was a very bad new for all of us.

I think the contents we have had to do in this activity are very related with our degree because we are going to be teachers and all good teacher have to know the educational laws because we are going to be subjected by this laws and it is important that we start to know them.

Moving on, in my opinion we have to improve somethings as a group. We have to trust us more, I mean, I think we should be able to talk sincerely with someone. If any member of the group has a problem with other member or if someone has done anything that have had feel bad other member, we have to be able to talk with him/her and explain what is the problem.

I am very sure that in the next week we will solve these problems!

I hope you enjoy the blog, see you next week!!

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