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miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015

Shine as a Star

Hi everybody!!

I am María and this week my role is the "star" of my group.

First of all, as a star, I am the principal character of the group, you will be the principal voice of the group in the activity and has the representation of it.

 I think that it is important to take in account that it was the first time I talk in front of almost sixty people, so I felt not a bit but very nervous unless my speech lasted thirty seconds. It consisted on explain the reason due to my group has to be the winner of the contest. I was a bit upset as all my colleges said to me: Maria that is a nonsense, come on! only thirty seconds... But I thought my goodness...

Once I was in class, my stress increased directly proportionate to the time of the exposition. Nevertheless, when our teacher, Linda said: " stars come on! Time is up! Now is your turn..."; and it was my moment I  forgot all I prepared the day before and I presented our work the better I could. After the presentation I felt so good and proud of me and of our group's work.

I really like the way Linda prepared the expositions, I mean, once more, as every week she prepared our expositions in a different way. For that reason, her classes, at least for me, are very interesting and funny.

I love the idea of making innovate classes may be because is the first time I have a teacher like she. And I would like to share with you bloggers, something Linda said to us that day: "I am not her to make you happy; I am here to make you better". It impressed me and I am sure that it would a phrase that I will use it in the future, may be when I will be an old person who says to her pupils:" When I was on the first year of my degree one of my teachers said to us...".

It could be a nonsense for someone who can't feel what a person who loves this degree feels, but at least for my; it is not a nonsense.

Thanks you for reading me, I hope you like.

See you soon! : )

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