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miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015


Hello! I’m Mari Carmen and this third week I’ve been in charge of star role.

For this week we’ve been asked to do a four-minutes exposition pretending to be teacher of a primary school class. In order to do our presentation we must use Creative Common Licence's images, which respect copyrights, and follow some basic tips about how oral expositions and presentations should be done.

At first, when we divided the roles for this week and I knew I was the star, I had felt really pressured. I had to do my best so that all the work done along the week were properly shown. I’m a quite shy person and it has been really hard for me to be enough confident of myself to display our work to the class.

I’m very grateful of the cheers and smiles of my class and group mates. They helped me a lot and were very supporting, above all when I was talking to such a big audience. I was trying to explain the energy and it sources and suddenly I glanced people on the first row with that support face that I love.

Even if I speak in a boring, low tone and I don’t move around the class that much, I have liked so much this week project, in special, the part of trying to explain a subject to a primary class. Because that what we are here for, to become teachers one day, and those four minutes will be our day-to-day life. And I really appreciate the comments to improve my expositions that my teacher and classmates suggest me. Thank you all very much.

See you next week :)

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