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martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Journalist Post by Lucía Grau.

Hello friends, Lucia is here again, but this week my role is Journalist.

First of all, I'll tell you a little what we have done this week.
The task of this week was about our education system, know well our laws and fundamentals is very important to be good teachers.

We had to make two mind map about two points of the six that were available. Linda's divided so that we had to do point 3. Organization of Primary Education and 6. Administration and Governance at Local and / or Institutional Level (II).
We divided into two groups to do the job, we readed all the information and summarize it, and then we organized the work of carrying out the mind map into two groups , the first did the point 3 and the second point 4. As we are seven in our group, we divided into working groups of three, and the star was involved in both groups. The organization of the groups was made taking into account the days that could meet because some of us Thursday we went to our people.
We got together Tuesday to point three...

... And Wednesday for the sixth point.
On Monday when we arrived to class, Linda commanded us a new task. We had to come together with other groups. Our group received visitors of Platypus group and star of ItSChool group. Julia, our star worked with the group of ItSChool. We had to evaluate the mindmap we had done. Then we had to choose the one we liked and add or remove items considered necessary to make it great.

The experience of this week to work with other groups has been good because we were able to assess our own mistakes, comparing them with other work of our colleagues. But also it has also been difficult to agree with the assessment.

Here you have some photos of the class of Monday:

I hope you liked it and you've found interesting.
Thanks for your attention. See you soon bloggers.


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