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martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Analysis of our week

Hello everybody I am Ana Góngora (yes, I know, again…)

We are near to Holy week and so on this time I had to be the analyst of my group. Personally as weeks past I have realized that EVERY role has a difficult part and so this one has it. I have to evaluate the work of my group so I had to observed carefully and now think about what I am going to say.

As you know, this week we had to do a video summarizing all the content we have learn during these hard weeks. If I have to remark a moment of this activity for me was to realize and be proud of all the work we have done. I can perfectly remember the first day of this subject when we didn’t know our teacher and we were frightened about what we had to do! After these moments, we had to look for a lot of information we had never heard about: TPACK, map projections, blogger, good presentations... And now, we are perfectly able to explain all these knowledge to almost everyone! Now we don’t want to stop learning anymore.

The problem is that not everything is like in a fairytale... we had bad moments this week too, because it was SO DIFFICULT to found how to show everything in a short video. We spend lots of hours doing a type of “brainstorming” trying to look for the best one when finally our colleague Inma did it!

Apart from that the BIG problem was nearly to appear when we were at Maria’s house (the place where we met this week) and it was 10 o’clock at night so we had to stop working and try to continue in another moment, but almost half of our are not from Murcia (even myself) and we couldn’t stay here during the weekend because it is our only time to see our family. So our facilitator told us to be in Skype in order to help those components who stay during the Saturday doing the work. Finally we realised that Moovly can only be used in one computer, so nothing could be done... Next week (as always) we have to be conscious of the time needed in terms to finish the activity properly... IT IS THE MOMENT FOR THE CHANGE!

But not everything is bad... c’mon we have to be realist, we have a good cohesion in our group, and most of the times we get on really well...obviously we have some problems like everybody but we talk and solve them with no problems. Every time we have to do a new activity is an afternoon (or more) with lot of laughs (LOL)

If you think that this content has no relation with reality you are really mistaken, during this weekend while I was having dinner I heard a new that was talking about Flicker. I opened my eyes and ears as much as I could because I had never use this social network before working in the 20 tips of doing a good presentation and learning about Creative Common and this fact had surprised me.

I have really enjoy doing this post because I had to remember everything and apart from the bad things, good things came to my mind and make me laugh.

See you bloggers, XOXO.

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