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martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Translator post

Hi! I'm Mari Carmen and this 6th week I have been the ..... TRANSLATOR.

I've tried to do my best choosing the most meaningful words we have learnt this week. There were lots of new terminology, but I think this five are the most important ones:

-Educative System: concept that refers to the overall structure through which education is organized in a country.

Gobierno de España (). Sistema educativo.  Available at: http://www.mecd.gob.es/educacion-mecd/areas-educacion/sistema-educativo.html

- Organic laws: are mainly characterized for being necessary from a constitutional point in order to regulate some current life aspects. They are in charge of organization. These sorts of laws just take place in some countries. Due to the importance of the issues they deal with usually special requirements are established, such as a great majority of legislator voting positively for approves it.

Definicion (2015). Definición de ley orgánica. Available at: http://definicion.de/ley-organica/.

- BOE: is the Spanish State Official Gazette (Boletín Oficial del Estado) where laws, provisions and acts of mandatory inclusion are published. Council of Minister could exceptionally publish reports, documents or official communications, whose spreading would be consider of general interest. Its content is organized in different sections:

“SECTION I. General provisions
-            -  The organic laws, laws, Royal legislative decrees and the Royal Decree.
       - Treaties and international conventions.
       -The laws of the legislative assemblies of the autonomous communities.
       -Regulations and other provisions of general character.
       -Emanating normative regulations of the Government of the autonomous communities councils.

SECTION II. Authorities and staff. Comprising two subsections:
-           -II.A  nomination, situations and incidents.
             - II.B.  competitions and contests.

SECTION III. Other provisions
-          Integrated by the provisions for compulsory publication that do not have general or correspond to the other sections: aid and grants, scholarships, service letters, collective agreements of general scope, educational plans, etc.

SECTION IV. Administration of Justice
-        -  Edicts, notices, required and announcements of the courts and tribunals.

SECTION V.  Announcements. Grouped in the following way:
-         - V.A. announcements of public tenders and contract awards.
-         - V.B. other official announcements.
-          -V.C. particular announcements.”

Gobierno de España (). Contenido y secciones del BOE. Available at: http://www.boe.es/diario_boe/preguntas_frecuentes/boe_contenido.php.

-LOE: Is the Organic Law of Education (Ley Orgánica de Educación) of Spanish Educative System from 2006 until 2013. With the entry in effect of this law the previous one, LOGSE, was repealed. Among its characteristics highlight the division of Bachelor into five branches, instead of three as in previous laws, and the separation of Primary Education into cycles of two years each.

JUAN CARLOS I, (2006). I. Disposiciones generales. BOE. 106.

-LOMCE: is the Organic Law of Improvement of Education Quality (Ley Orgánica de la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa). It has entry in force this school year 2014/15. LOMCE can be featured by introducing revalidations along the scholar life of students in order to keep moving forward on the educational system, giving one third of the participation on the school board to teachers, included the director, and by giving a more important role to FP education, among others.

JUAN CARLOS I, (2013). I. Disposiciones generales. BOE. 295.

See you next week!

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