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miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Journalist by Maria!

Hi everybody! I am María García and this week my role is... Journalist!! 

This week we have been working on a very interesting and real task. This one is not written or you can find it on books due to it is related to the "Dark side of books".

Well, now my mission is to tell the history of the group, I have to tell the dynamic of the weekly work and recover evidences.

First of all, I have to say that this week we met twice. The first one it was a bit waste of time due to a bad organization of the group, the activity of this week consisted on choose one of three options (Comic, twitter timeline or infographic) and we decided that the best option was an infographic.

That day we spend at least three hours making brainstorming and finally we acquired a good idea but it does not convince us at all because it was dull even boring. Those idea was not adecuate to represent our own personal potential so that day was a bit disappointing.

Two days after, once we listen to our teacher Linda in class, we come up with the idea of change our work completely. So we thought to work in a comic. This comic had to be related us, to primary education and with the task of this week.

(It was my birthday, these teachers are the BEST!)

With this base, we thought to represent one of the high number of bad things of textbooks with the classical story of the "Little Red Ridding Hood".

And after some difficulties, as every week we achieve our goal at time, so the previous monday everything was prepare to exhibit our "piece of art" in the Group's 1 Gallery; where our Star (Ana Góngora) was brilliant.

In addition, as journalist this week I have to explore, at least one blog/website from outside the class and one from our own class. 

So, I have been searching on the Internet for long time and at the end I have found a Blog which ir quite interesting at least for those who are interesting in education. That blog has losts of post but for me one of the most stand out is "10 Practical Ways To Use Apps In Primary Mathematics Teaching". Here you have its direcction. Visit it! Is very interesting.


Finally from our class, I would like you to visit the blog of our mates of  Seven Up due to their "piece of art" was quite good!
Here you have their direction, visit them!!


Thanks for reading me!!

See you next week as....  STAR! :)

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