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miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Do you need help?

Hi guys! Lucia is back!

This week I have been what _ our group call helper. My role was to help my colleagues to perform their roles, in addition to the part of the work that corresponded me. This week our facilitator has failed to organize all that well, so we had to take command of our own. The topic was very interesting "Dark side of the textbooks", in our case we decided show this idea into a comic, but did not want to make a conventional comic, but rather something flashy, but in turn known for better understanding, for this reason we decided to use the story of red Riding Hood, it is known worldwide.
But we went beyond, we were the protagonists of our comic. I did almost all the work since I use Photoshop and I could well make a montage with pictures that we did and backgrounds or significant features of the story. Also I knew use the tool we use 2.0, which was the ComicLife program. For these reasons, this week I've exceeded my role, I have been more than an assistant. Both I and my colleagues are very happy and proud that the result of our work, and with the reaction have been our colleagues and teacher when they have seen. One more week, I hope you enjoyed and like the fashionable phrase says ...

Laters, Baby! (C.Grey)

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