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miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Making photos as a good Journalist.

Hello bloggers. 

I am Lucia, this past week I have the role of journalist. For me it is an honor to be your eyes in the activities we have done in this last week.
We had to perform four Fakebook profiles of the four types of policy there.
Monday when we got to school, Linda was a sweepstakes and the four profiles were divided into different groups. They came together in pairs different class groups.
Then we prepared and conducted a debate in which the two stars of the groups exposed their ideas about their type of politician, being defending his candidacy and attacking the other candidates.
Here I leave some of the photos taken, the preparation of applications for our profile, authoritarian, with the SevenUP group, and the representation in the discussion of our stars Maria, and Ana de SevenUP.
Thank you for your attenttion guys and be happy. Remember that love is in the air.... LOL


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