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martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Last analyst... for the moment!

Hello bloggers, it’s Ana here again, but this time is the last one… I am a little bit sad, because taking into apart all the stressful moments this subject has given to us, we have laughed a lot and had a good time.

But well, let’s focus on the last week of work. This time we have to discuss about the leadership team at school and we did a kind of debate in class, so we had to chose which has performed the best, we were not one of those, but personally I think that we did it quite well and also we had a difficult situation because we were the first who had to talk.

For me the best moment of the week was this last time at class, was our last grouped work together and it is going to be hard not to come running to the university on Monday to be on time. Maybe the worst moment (as always) was to choose a day to prepare the activity because we had to be focused also in the portfolio so we had to change some of our plans... but as I have said it was going to be the last time, so we had to be more flexible, in terms of timetable if it could be.

This activity has been maybe not easier than the rest of the activities but it has been more “interesting” because we are really close to the elections so making the profile of Fakebook has been interesting as well as funny. As I have said before maybe the worst part as always has been look for a moment to spend together.

Personally I think that is one of the things we have to improve for other subjects. Working in groups is never easy in these terms but I think that we have improved a lot since the beginning even thought we have to continue improving.

Hope you have enjoyed our blog and maybe one day will return to this blog world.


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