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martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Curator-farmer post

Hi there!

I'm Mari Carmen and for this week I was in charge of  curator role.
We worked on Coexistance Plans, that are those that must be followed in case "normal" cohabitance on schools get troubled. We had to record a documentary video about an example case written by another group and upload it to youtube.

So, we started looking for coexistance plans in primary schools in Murcia and what the law says about them. We compared both documenets and started figuring out how we could represent it. We thought about the several things we would take into account, such as which point of view we would adopt (girl's, P.E teacher's, mother's,..).But finally we opted for the adults interviews one in a kind of "Powerpuff Girls"news called "Townsville alive!".

In the overall of this week I feel happy. We only meet once, so I thing it is great we are getting used to be effective when it comes to planning and distributing work. In fact, we changed several times gathering date, but we all manage to find the best moment.

The more remarkable issue of this week project, in my view, was when I read Mariano Aroca's coexistace plan and thought "ummm, I can't find the solution just following this as a guide". And going strait away to borm documment where it was said the same but also naming teachers and other adults of the school as trouble makers.

 We found out, to our surprise, that our primary school coexistance plans didn't contain conflect resolution for teachers-teachers, parents-teachers, students-teachers; meanwhile in the BORN  document it was stablish a protocol for all of them

It's kind of tricky the only ones considered problematic enough, in most of the schools,to be in coexistance plans were students.

-Colegio Público de Educación Infantil y Primaria “Mariano Aroca” de Murcia (mayo 2006). [Internet] Plan de Convivencia Escolar. Retrieved from http://www.marianoaroca.es/files/plan_convivencia.pdf

-Equipo Directivo del Colegio Santa María (10 mayo 2007). [Internet] Plan de Convivencia. Retrieved from http://www.colegiosantamaria.es/download/ensenyanca/plan_de_convivencia.pdf?rdm=2

- España. Boletín Oficial Región de Murcia. Resolución de 28 de septiembre de 2009, de la Dirección General de Ordenación Académica, sobre aspectos relativos a la aplicación a las normas de convivencia escolar.[Internet] Boletín Oficial de la Región de Murcia, 19 de octubre de 2009, núm. 240, pp. 54375- 54382.  Retrieved from http://borm.carm.es/borm/documento?obj=anu&id=384386

Thanks for reading :)
See you soon!

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