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martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

The more you collaborate, the more you facilitate!

Hello everybody! This is the last time that maybe I write in this blog because this course is almost over. Feelings of sadness and happiness come to my mind remembering this long trip of this subject. In my opinion, we have learned many many things, we have had really fun with our own group and with the groups of the rest of the class, we have shared a lot of things and we have lived such good as bad things but always we have learnt with those things.

This week we had to do four profiles in fakebook related to the four types of policy: transformational, transactional, participative and authoritarian.

So, in order to do this activity we met on Wednesday. We did not have any type of problem about the meeting and we spent not so much time to do the activity. We read all the information Linda gave to us and then we create the profiles.

On Monday our star and the star of Seven Up answered the questions that the moderators gave to every group defending their authoritarian leadership and face with the other groups that like us, they defended their leadership style too.

Well, the roles of this week have been:

-          María as a star.

-          Carmen as a curator-farmer.

-          Ana as an analyst.

-          Julia as a translator.

-          Mari Carmen as a helper.

-          Lucía as a journalist.
-      Inma (me) as a facilitator.
We hope you enjoyed this long trip we are really glad to have shared with you!
With love ...   INMA ÁLVAREZ

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