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miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Analyzing the situation

Hello everybody! 

This week I am the analyst again. I think this is one of the most important roles because you have to analyze everything your colleagues have done in order to complete the activity and you have to pay attention all the time because you must evaluate them the better as you can.

This week has good things and moments but also bad parts or moments too, as the previous weeks. However, I think that this week has more good moments than bad moments.

First of all, on Monday every group had to create a conflict. Our conflict was about Pablo, a eleven year-old boy, who behaves badly because of a problem in his house. Teachers believe that the behavior of his parents reflected a violent situation between them.

With this conflicts, we had to create a piece of news in which the star was the reporter of the news. In our case, we did the conflict of Power Teachers which is about a P.E teacher who committed sexual abuse to his female students.

As always, we had the same problem… We did not agree about the hour and the day in order to meet and do the activity because everyone have different schedules. So, after arguing and suggesting everything we thought in order to everybody of the group could go, at last we decided to meet on Wednesday.

In my opinion, our problem is that we are always complaining about wasting time if we met but, I think we waste more time deciding because we have to dedicate time to this subject no matter what…since we have to spend much time if we want to pass it so, it is a reality and we have to accept if we have to spend the whole afternoon doing the activity. This is a thing we have to improve…

Moreover, we had a problem with the activity because in every Coexistence Plan we read we found students-students conflicts, always against children. Luckily, our colleague, María found the Coexistence Plan of the law in which specify every kind of conflicts.

On the other hand, there were not only bad things, but also there were really good things. For example, we had really fun recording the video especially when we have to record the advertisements which are really funny thanks to our good actress Lucia (our star). We could not stop to laughing with the outtakes too so, we had a blast J.

In addition, another good thing is all the things we have learnt with this activity. We have learnt what is the Coexistence Plan, every school have a different one and this is an important thing to know if it is a good school or not. We have learnt how to sort out many types of problems because we have also seen the videos of the other groups and they have different conflicts…

I think our video is a good one because we have included in the video many perspectives: the mothers of the some victims, how this problem is seen from outside (a mother who have just had a baby and know the school very well), the tutor and the headmaster. If we did not include the victims perspective was because we think they are affected and they are underage. Therefore, this is a thing that we have to conserve because we spent time wisely in order to do the activity the best as we could.

To sum up, I think this activity is really useful for our future as a teachers because it will help us in order to a better solve the problems we can have with other teachers, students and parents at the school.

I hope you enjoy this post. See you next time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Inma Álvarez

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