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martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Lucia as a Star.

Hi guys!
This time I become again the star of our group. This week we us have to deal a conflictive issue in a center proposed by one group of our class. The issue was the sexual abuse of girls by a physical education teacher. As Star I had to appear in the video as a journalist. We have explained the subject recording different views of the tutor, the headtress, the neighboring and some mothers, all represented by my colleagues. To establish the solution or the measures figuring out to solve the problem we had to look for a coexistent plan of a school, also we found the solution in the current law, because in the coexistent plan only it found the measures to be taken when sexual abuse is made from student to student, while the law is in every possible way.

On Monday when we arrived to class we saw videos of all our partners and we have to value them, highlighting the three things we most liked and one thing we've been missing.

As a star I found this activity very funny, as we have learned about the coexistent plan an entertaining and fun way to make a video documentary.
Here you have the video so you can see our work:
Thank you one more time for your attention and see you son guys.

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