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miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Journalist post

Hello, I am Julia the journalist of this week. This week have been a different week due to there was nothing to do but help the stars of the next week to study.

This is Inma helping Ana to study the mindmaps:

On monday Linda told us which group won the contest of the video we have made with moovly.

And we have won!!!

We are very excited with that, We thanks eveyone that have voted for us!!

Here you have the video:

martes, 21 de abril de 2015


Hi there!

I'm Mari Carmen.I'm here once again, but this time as my first role: Curator - farmer

This week was kind of special because we employed time on studying instead of meeting on evenings to make a project to show on monday to our class. Well, somehow it might be similar, on monday we must display the knowledge we have been working on (about lomce's game) during this two last weeks.

Since we keep working on the new law of Education our main reference source has been the LOMCE. Looking for the complete version you can come accross with quite interesting recompositiongs. It was really useful and clear ANPE's picked up pieces text, because the new parts are in red and those part previously setted are in blue.

-España. Ley Orgánica 8/2013, 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 10 de diciembre de 2013, núm. 295, pp. 97858-97921. Retrieved from http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/12/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-12886.pdf

-Retrieved from http://www.anpe.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Recopilaci%C3%B3n-LOMCE_LOE-docx-21.pdf

See you next week :)


Hello everybody! I am the star again this week because is our´s turn to repeat the same roles as we did before. Well, we have to try to do them better and to improve our mistakes.

Comparing the twice I have been star, they have been really different so I have experimented two different experiences. The first one was a bit stressful because it was the first time we faced this new subject and I had to do a long speech doing it for nine times so it was really exhausting. However, this week has been more relaxing to me because I have been the trainer of the next stars which means that I have to prepare them the best I can in order to do their best in the play which will take place the next week.

For training them, we have written all the mind maps by hand because all the questions are based on them underlining the most important aspects in order to be clear about them. Moreover, we write the questions that are not clear enough or they have a very specific situation apart in order to comment them and to try to understand them in another way.

We are proud of our stars and the effort they are making for the game! We hope we have good luck for next Monday! See you next week!

 By Inma Álvarez.


Hi bloggers! I am María and my role this week is Analyst, as the first week of this subject.

The previous one was more difficult for me personally speaking, due to it was the first time I evaluate others and even more, myself.

Indeed, the work of this week is quite different from the previous weeks due to we are all, preparing questions, answers, and everything to be able next Monday to play the game. In which two of us will play against the other groups, and the winner, will get extra points.

On Thursday our group plus the half of  Itschool, decided which 10 questions of all about topic 6 were the better to play with in the play.

This week every member of the Power Puff Teachers, was active,  taking part on selection of the better questions for the play.  Even I have to say that I am very proud of  us due to we are the winners of the last contest!!! (*.*).

I have to say that is so weird, not having work from SOYER; I mean, not having to meet the whole group to work in a concrete task at home, but as it is said, everybody can get used to good life, and the good things finish soon.

So, have as minimum the same happy week as us and see you soon :)


Hello everybody!

My name is Carmen Carpena and this week I am the helper of the group 'The PowerPuff Teachers'. The role of the helper is, as its name indicates, help the other members of the group in whatever they need. 

This week the translator is Ana Góngora but she is star the next week and she had to study to do the best in the contest so it is me who is going to search the words to translate. Here is the helper to help!

This week the work has been a bit strange because we have had to prepare the questions and study for the contest, so, we had not done any new or special work.

Here are the five words I have chosen for this week, I hope you enjoy them.

CONTEST: A competition where one person or more people compete each other to win, usually an economic prize but it can be whatever the director of the contest want. 


CARD:  It is, usually, a rectangular piece of stiff paper or plastic which can be used in games, contests, restaurants... 


EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: This term is refers to public schooling. It is the group of laws that make up the actual education. Depending on the country this laws are in one way or another.


TRAINING: It is an organized and continue activity whose purpose is improve the level of effort with the goal of achieve the aims proposed by the person who is doing this type of training. It can be related to sports, games, studies...


CURRICULUM: It is related to education. Is often defined as the courses offered by a school. It includes the learning standards or learning objectives the students are expected to meet.


I hope you enjoy the blog and have a good week!

"Facilitator" post

Hey guys, Lucia is here again as facilitator. This week has been a little weird since it's been a week of preparation for the big competition. Our Star Inma will be our coach of two stars. The choice of the stars who represent us in the contest was a raffle, since all confident and know that all those who were chosen will do everything to win. Finally our stars are Ana and María. The task of the other components of our group has been to help as much as possible to our stars, making it easier their work, since the task they have to study is quite complex. Monday and Thursday our teacher allowed us time to prepare our stars.
Overall our week is summarized in the foregoing.

As always, thank you very much for your attention.
And wish us luck for the contest on Monday, all with POWERPUFFTEACHERS !!
See you soon.


We are the winners of the best video about "What have we learnt until now?" in # SOYER1415. Thanks to the votes of our colleagues, Linda and other teachers. We will enjoy our aperitivo at the canteen on Thursday.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Helper post

Hello, my name is Julia and this week I am the helper.

This is the last role that I had left. That means that I have already be al the roles of the subject. The aim of this role, as its name says, is to help the others to do the work if they need to.

In this case, once we had all the questions, we had to join them and made the cards, print them, and glue them to the cardboard. But it is so much work to do it only by one person, so we divided it.

I made all the cards, printed them and cut them the shape we have been asked. Inma cut the cardboard. And Maria and Maricarmen glued them all.

It might look like I had worked more than them, but it was very equal, because the questions were already written on the computer, so I only had to copy then in a table. And also I have a guillotine, so it made the cutting work very easy.

I have enjoy this role, because is not one of the biggest ones, and I prefer helping than directing.

I wish you like our cards.

I will write again next week.

Analist post

Hi everyone!

I'm Mari Carmen again!! For seventh week I was analist.
This is our second week working on the legislation of the spainsh education in order to prepare a version of a classic game about this issue.

We divided the 24 questions among seven, and one person did one more question for four topics  so that all of us could did the same amount of questions. Then holidays came. This periods are quite a dissaster for organizing gatherings because each one has her own plans due to vacations.

Days went by. We met on our first sky gathering as working group, but we did two groups because of schedules. It was my first time using it and I really liked the convenience and rapidity on this tool, I just love it! In just one second we were connected with our mates.  We put in common our four questions since when a work is revised by several people there's more possibility to correct something, make more accurate and clear questions,.... than when there's just one head. Then Murcia city's hometown group members take the charge of do the phisical cards for the game: one gathered group questions and shape the cardboard, other printed the questions in the specific measures, and other two cut and stick questions on cardboards -we divided cardboards and question papers in two, and I stick second pack part-.

Then for class returning we had whole class monday session. We had to evaluate, according to a same criteria one topic's cards. As my group was "native" last week we had to split in two, some worked with Itschool on topic 6 while the other half were with Platypus assessing topic 3. I feel like it turn out quite difficult to follow the same criteria for all the group's cards, despite it keep always our intention, but it is just my sensation. It is always hard to arrive to a complete agreement in everything. But somehow this make us learn much more than what we could ever learn on a theorical way with a explation. It much more meaningful if you live it (every week).

Apart from  class mates working -that you couldn't believe how much have make me grow up- the idea of laying out something as bored and tiresome as a new educative legislation -that will surely change by the time we were teachers, but that will be the same in essence-  as a familiar game to us. This make us read the law to reach another objective -win the game- and by the way read, reread and start knowing it in an enjoyable way.

Hope you come around next week!!

Mari Carmen

martes, 14 de abril de 2015


Hey guys, Lucia is here again. I know you've missed me, after the holidays we have returned to work, this time I've been the star of our group.

The task was to make the various topics that it was divided the LOE and LOMCE law and changes between them, once we had made the mindmap different groups each of them, we had to make four questions of each of the six subjects.

Monday in class our teacher divided the three hours on two tasks, the first, was to get together with other groups, dividing our on two, so that half of us work with Platypush I group and ItSchool group. We had to evaluate questions of all our colleagues from the topics 3 and 6.

We have to put notes from 1 to 10, responding to a number of criteria (clarity, content ...). Working alongside other group is very advantageous because you have the views of people outside your group, you can also learn things without them there could learn, such as having to put you according to the assessment and having to make a decision common.

The second task, we also split and we joinedwith other groups (PowerTeachers and) to move to a list of questions organizing them depending on what you ask. Which is responsible for publishing this list is the resident star of each group.

The experience of working with other groups, as in the previous task, itis also positive, as it is easier to divide up the work when more people and learn from everyone.
Overall, my job as a star has been easier than it has sometimes been to my friends.

I hope you liked it, and once again, thank you for your attention.


Future teacher or future journalist?

Hello guys, we are almost finishing the semester and this week it was time to do the only one role I have never tried. All my colleagues have told me that this role it is one of the most funny and enjoyable so I was wondering to do it.

This third step has been difficult to do it... well... maybe difficult it is not the word, it has been different because between the beginning and the presentation of the work we have had two weeks of not being in Murcia and not seeing each other, I mean we couldn’t meet and we had to do the questions on our own.

Our facilitator decided that the best way was to start doing the questions the better we could and then shares them one day through Skype and so we did it. The big problem was that we have very different traditions and while some of our colleagues from Murcia were full of activities during the spring week, I had several processions in holy week. Finally we got to choose one day when all of us could share the questions. We decided what of them were OK and what questions we had to change due to the difficulty or just because we thought that they were not good enough.

After this process, we divided the activities of printing, cutting and pasting the cards among some of us. Finally on Monday (thanks to our hard working) we got some good cards for sharing.
On Monday Linda surprised us with another activity in groups in which we had to punctuate the questions of all the class in the topic we were assigned. I have been working on the topic 3 with Platyplus while the other half of my group was working with Itschool.

Regarding blogs about education I have discovered a very easy one to understand and really interesting about maths that teachers can have a look so they have more information about this “not easy” subject.

About the blogs of the rest of my classmates, I liked a love the blog of Platypus who did a really good job and share the information in a funny way (what it is difficult)

Hope you enjoy my role of this week.

Here you have some important moments of Monday.

Let´s go to translate with the TRANSLATOR

Hello everybody again! 

 I am Inma, the translator and this role is in charge of choosing the five most important words that can reflect and explain the activity of this week. In this case, the activity is a continuation of the previous one in which we did the two conceptual maps related to a part of the educational system and we put our conceptual maps together our colleagues´ maps. Then we had to do twenty four question related to every part of the educational system, which are already revised by our colleagues in the class.

I have decided to translate these words because we did an overview of Spanish Educational System in a conceptual map in order to know the basics and moreover the changes between the LOE and LOMCE and in order to understand and learn this information we are going to do the Oca´s game a little bit different.

1.The Spanish educational system: The educational system is a concept create by humans which represent how is organize the education in a country, in this case Spain, in order to achieve that, at least, the majority of the society have the same education.

2. Conceptual map: it is a kind of graphical tool in which you can represent many concepts which are related each other. In order to establish this relation between those concepts you can use connecting lines .Beside you can put in circles or square the most meaningful words in order to stand out them and use linking words which explain the relation between two concepts.

3. LOE: is the organic law of education of the Spanish educational system. It was published on the BOE the fourth of May in 2006 until November in 2013. Its main objective is adapt in a legal way the regulation the non-university education.
4. LOMCE: is the Organic Law for the Improvement of Education Quality which is a modification of the previous law the LOE and of six articles in the LODE which regulate the right to education.
5. Oca´s game: is a board game as of two players. Each player toss a die and he has to move his pieces over the board. It has 63 squares and you can progress or go back depend on the square you are.

Definición abc. Definición de Sistema educativo. Retrieved from http://www.definicionabc.com/social/sistema-educativo.php

V. (2011). Sobre conceptos. Concepto de Sistema Educativo. Retrieved from  http://sobreconceptos.com/sistema-educativo

Cañas, J. A;  Novak, J.D. (2009). What is a Concept Map?. Retrieved from http://cmap.ihmc.us/docs/conceptmap.php

Wikipedia, Enciclopedia Libre. (2015). Ley Orgánica de Educación (España). Retrieved from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_Org%C3%A1nica_de_Educaci%C3%B3n_(Espa%C3%B1a)

Wikipedia, Enciclopedia Libre. (2015). Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa. Retrieved from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_Org%C3%A1nica_para_la_Mejora_de_la_Calidad_Educativa

Wikipedia, Enciclopedia Libre. (2015). Juego de la oca. Retrieved from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juego_de_la_oca


I hope you enjoy the blog, see you soon!                                                      

Facilitator Post

Hello everybody!

I am Carmen Carpena, a member of the group The PowerPuff Teachers and this week I am the FACILITATOR!

The roles of this week are:

Mª Carmen: Analyst
Lucía: Star
Julia: Helper
María: Curator Farmer
Inma: Translator
Ana: Journalist

This week has been a strange week because we have been working in Easter Holidays, so we have had a lot of time for doing the work and we have had to organized each other in the best way we could.

In this case, we have had to do some questions to do a game weeks later. It is a game related to the Educational Law and it is going to teach us a lot of things in a different and funnier way.

First at all, I had to divide the work in order to everybody had the same amount of work, which was a very difficult work because this week the work was a bit strange and it was complicated to share out it equitably.

Later, we realized that we could not meet each other because we were in our villages with our families, so we had to use Skype to join the work and to correct the bad things we had done. It was a different way of work but it was so funny and very useful too!

In my opinion, the Facilitator role is one of the most difficult roles because I am not used to order people what they have to do and if you are the facilitator you have to organized every member of your group and also, you have to know all the information very well. Despite of this, it has been a great experience and it has taught me how to organize better the work.

I hope you enjoy the blog! Thank you.

Curator Farmer

Hi bloggers! I am María and this week my role is "Curator Farmer", so as you know, here you are


EURYPEDIA. (2015). The Spanish education system. Retrieved from https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Spain:Overview (LINDA)

EURYPEDIA. (2015). Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level. Retrieved from https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Spain:Administration_and_Governance_at_Local_and/or_Institutional_Level

Definición abc. Definición de Sistema educativo. Retrieved from http://www.definicionabc.com/social/sistema-educativo.php

V. (2011). Sobre conceptos. Concepto de Sistema Educativo. Retrieved from  http://sobreconceptos.com/sistema-educativo

Cañas, J. A;  Novak, J.D. (2009). What is a Concept Map?. Retrieved from http://cmap.ihmc.us/docs/conceptmap.php

Wikipedia, Enciclopedia Libre. (2015). Ley Orgánica de Educación (España). Retrieved from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_Org%C3%A1nica_de_Educaci%C3%B3n_(Espa%C3%B1a)

Wikipedia, Enciclopedia Libre. (2015). Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa. Retrieved from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_Org%C3%A1nica_para_la_Mejora_de_la_Calidad_Educativa

Wikipedia, Enciclopedia Libre. (2015). Juego de la oca. Retrieved from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juego_de_la_oca

EURYPEDIA. (2015).  Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education. Retrieved from  https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Spain:Organisational_Variations_and_Alternative_Structures_in_Primary_Education

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.(2015).Ley Orgánica para la mejora de la calidad educativa. Retrieved from http://www.mecd.gob.es/educacion-mecd/areas-educacion/sistema-educativo/lomce.html


Egea. J. (2015). Star post. Retrieved from http://thepowerpuffteachers.blogspot.com.es/                                                                             

Cascales, R. (2015). Complete Conceptual Map of topic 4!. Retrieved from http://powerteachers15.blogspot.com.es/search/label/Task%206                                        

Beltrán, M. (2015). Changes in The Spanish Educational System Overview: The game. Retrieved  from http://keepcalmandkeeporganized.blogspot.com.es/                                                     

Abellán. N. (2015). Basics of the educational system: Journalist. Retrieved from http://meerkatsoyer1415.blogspot.com.es/

This role doesn't like very much due to is a bit difficult but it is necessary so, I have done it. :)

Thanks you for readding us

See youuu