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martes, 21 de abril de 2015


Hello everybody!

My name is Carmen Carpena and this week I am the helper of the group 'The PowerPuff Teachers'. The role of the helper is, as its name indicates, help the other members of the group in whatever they need. 

This week the translator is Ana Góngora but she is star the next week and she had to study to do the best in the contest so it is me who is going to search the words to translate. Here is the helper to help!

This week the work has been a bit strange because we have had to prepare the questions and study for the contest, so, we had not done any new or special work.

Here are the five words I have chosen for this week, I hope you enjoy them.

CONTEST: A competition where one person or more people compete each other to win, usually an economic prize but it can be whatever the director of the contest want. 


CARD:  It is, usually, a rectangular piece of stiff paper or plastic which can be used in games, contests, restaurants... 


EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: This term is refers to public schooling. It is the group of laws that make up the actual education. Depending on the country this laws are in one way or another.


TRAINING: It is an organized and continue activity whose purpose is improve the level of effort with the goal of achieve the aims proposed by the person who is doing this type of training. It can be related to sports, games, studies...


CURRICULUM: It is related to education. Is often defined as the courses offered by a school. It includes the learning standards or learning objectives the students are expected to meet.


I hope you enjoy the blog and have a good week!

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