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martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Future teacher or future journalist?

Hello guys, we are almost finishing the semester and this week it was time to do the only one role I have never tried. All my colleagues have told me that this role it is one of the most funny and enjoyable so I was wondering to do it.

This third step has been difficult to do it... well... maybe difficult it is not the word, it has been different because between the beginning and the presentation of the work we have had two weeks of not being in Murcia and not seeing each other, I mean we couldn’t meet and we had to do the questions on our own.

Our facilitator decided that the best way was to start doing the questions the better we could and then shares them one day through Skype and so we did it. The big problem was that we have very different traditions and while some of our colleagues from Murcia were full of activities during the spring week, I had several processions in holy week. Finally we got to choose one day when all of us could share the questions. We decided what of them were OK and what questions we had to change due to the difficulty or just because we thought that they were not good enough.

After this process, we divided the activities of printing, cutting and pasting the cards among some of us. Finally on Monday (thanks to our hard working) we got some good cards for sharing.
On Monday Linda surprised us with another activity in groups in which we had to punctuate the questions of all the class in the topic we were assigned. I have been working on the topic 3 with Platyplus while the other half of my group was working with Itschool.

Regarding blogs about education I have discovered a very easy one to understand and really interesting about maths that teachers can have a look so they have more information about this “not easy” subject.

About the blogs of the rest of my classmates, I liked a love the blog of Platypus who did a really good job and share the information in a funny way (what it is difficult)

Hope you enjoy my role of this week.

Here you have some important moments of Monday.

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