Hello everybody!
I am Carmen Carpena, a member of the group The PowerPuff Teachers and this week I am the FACILITATOR!
The roles of this week are:
Mª Carmen: Analyst
Lucía: Star
Julia: Helper
María: Curator Farmer
Inma: Translator
Ana: Journalist
This week has been a strange week because we have been working in Easter Holidays, so we have had a lot of time for doing the work and we have had to organized each other in the best way we could.
In this case, we have had to do some questions to do a game weeks later. It is a game related to the Educational Law and it is going to teach us a lot of things in a different and funnier way.
First at all, I had to divide the work in order to everybody had the same amount of work, which was a very difficult work because this week the work was a bit strange and it was complicated to share out it equitably.
Later, we realized that we could not meet each other because we were in our villages with our families, so we had to use Skype to join the work and to correct the bad things we had done. It was a different way of work but it was so funny and very useful too!
In my opinion, the Facilitator role is one of the most difficult roles because I am not used to order people what they have to do and if you are the facilitator you have to organized every member of your group and also, you have to know all the information very well. Despite of this, it has been a great experience and it has taught me how to organize better the work.
I hope you enjoy the blog! Thank you.
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