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miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Presentation with other groups, by the analyst.

This week we had to make an extra task, when we arrived Monday to class our teacher told us we had to get together with two other groups (SevenUp and ItSchool) and make our three jobs just one. The three stars had to make a joint exhibition with a maximum duration of eight minutes.

As I was the analyst of my group, I look at analyst of the other two groups and discuss with them some things about his work, such as how they had done the job, how would you assess this task...

About what seemed to me to work with other groups, could have been better. We had little time to organize all our content (30 minutes) and the star of each group wanted to do his own work as it was best know each other. This was a major problem organization, which derive in slowness, lack of control, boredom and outdated presentation, which resulted incomplete because we are out of time.

Beacuse this wasn't be a good experience work with other groups this week, but we are sure we will not return this to happen. This error has helped us to correct our way of organization and we are sure that next time we will do much better.

Here you have some photos of the above:

Thank you very much for the other two groups, despite the problems it was nice working with you.
I hope you liked it, see you soon bloggers.

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