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miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

Journalist post

Hello everyone, my name is Julia Egea Leal and I’m the JOURNALIST this week.

First of all I’m going to talk about blogging. This is the first time for we all use a blog. Managing a blog is harder than what you can think, but we are getting used to it. We got very excited because after Lucía posted a motivational post, we got commented by a stranger who wanted to wish us luck with our blog.

I have commented in a post that talks about technology in schools, I found it very interesting so I thought that it was perfecto due to we are talking about technology, pedagogy and contents (TPACK) and it was related in a way. The name of the blog is: Michael Smith’s Principals Page. This blog is focused in the administration of the schools, and in a several topics about it. This is the post I have commented: http://www.principalspage.com/theblog/archives/technology-in-schools-is-a-fad-trust-me. And this is my comment: 

About the other group’s blogs, I have been following them, and watching what  the were doing during the week, and they basically did what they were told to, and not adding some extra posts.

According to our working week, it was very hard due to we have never done this kind of work. The first day (Monday) morning we assign the roles. In the afternoon, we talked about what we had to do and the roles. We also created some media pages: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. We also decided how we were going to do the poster.

The second day (Wednesday) we were divided, half looking for information and the other half working on the poster.

As we couldn’t do it all on Wednesday, we had to meet on Thursday and Saturday. On Thursday we used the class hour to proceed. And on Saturday we finally finished it.

In conclusion, I think this had been a fun but hard week.  

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