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lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

Facilitator Post

Hello everyone and Welcome to our Blog!

My name is Lucía, I am the FACILITATOR of my group this week.

My role consist organize, divided and coordinate the work of each member of the group, encourage the dynamic of the group and help the other member with their problems. And finally I also have to conserve and guarantee the blog's quality, answer the comments, correct the spelling and so on.

First of all, I have to say that has not been an easy work, since it is the first time we face an activity of this extremely complex way, but has also been interesting.

Prior to starting to work with the activity of this week, ourselves we have had to do other important things. Once our class was organized and divided into groups, we had to put a name to the group. Ourselves as another group chose "The PowerPuff Teachers" because we were inspired by an animated cartoon that we saw when we were small, this led us to the first problem, as both groups we had the same name, finally ourselves we went faster and we got the name for our group.

Once we had the group name, we created the blog. Julia was the main responsible for this, since it is really understood in technology.

In order to start work, the first thing was to establish a schedule that was good for all components of our group, my role as facilitator was to study the schedules of each member available and establish a place and a time optimal for everyone. Work in such broad groups is quite difficult to organize, but after good results are obtained.

I do work organization depending on the role that each member of the group, roles are:

As a facilitator I decided that the best way to deal with TPACK was understanding it and making a placing on common than each group member had understood and thought, to perform a brainstorming. Once this is done we split the tasks so that each member is responsible to find a information for the activity of TPACK. All this work without neglecting the functions that each member must perform imposed by their role. During the process, I supervise the correct realization.
In addition to supervising and organizing my group, doing my part of TPACK, I have also created Twitter, Youtube Channel and Pearltrees accounts. I've also occupied to keep them active and in a dynamic form, including blog.
When we was working in the TPACK, the organization was: Inma and Carmen (stars) with the help of Mari Carmen and Ana looked for information and summarize it, this is for prepare the exposition as "Stars" and also they should resume this information to put in our poster.
Maria and I were the responsables to design and do most of the work of the poster.
Finally, I supervised the work and posts of each component of my group to give my approval as facilitator.
We should bear in mind this is the first time we do a job like this, and in my case, sometimes I do not know how to organize or control the work, so everything went slower. I hope this is only the first week
In general, our group is satisfied with the work we have done this week, which means I have not had to be so bad boss.
See you next week but occupying another role. I'm sure that next week we will have an excellent facilitator!!
Thanks for your time blogger!


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