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martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


Hi guys, welcome again to our blog!

I am Lucia, my role of this week has been analyst, I had to look for on the way in which my colleagues worked and they made their tasks, then I can evaluate them through a series of criteria.

To explain how has been our week, I will answer a series of questions:

1.       What was the best part of the activity?

The best part of the task has been learning new things, which are also important for us, such as the three map projections by Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal. We have also studied how the media impacts in the children’s lifes, and finally we have known a very good way to teach our students, the treasure hunt.

2.       What was the worst part of the activity?

The worst part of the job was when Monday we went to expose our work and the teacher informed us that we should do something extra. We had to get together with two other groups and make all our work one, so the stars in each of the groups had to expose together for eight minutes. For us was a big problem the organization and set the time. Eight minutes passed very quickly and did not give us time to finish our work exposing, so stay quite incomplete and somewhat dated.

3.       What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

The best moment of the week about our teamwork was when we realized that the perception of the world we knew was wrong, our faces were the best part of wonder and fascination. Besides we were able to discuss which of the three projections was the most suitable for teaching children, we had several points of view and was very nice look all together to a conclusion in which we were all in agreement.

4.       What was the worst moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

The worst time of the week was when Thursday after having done most of the work (we had a Prezi for the three projections of maps and shaped puzzle poster for the treasure hunt) we showed to Linda and she told us that that was wrong, it was not what we had been demanded to do on the task. So we had to start over from the beginning.

5.       What have you learnt?

This week we learned many useful things that we are both in our daily life as it comes to teach. the first thing is the three different projections Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal, with its distortions, comparing them with the example of several countries and understanding on why there is each of them. We have also learned a new way to explain to children in a strong and funny way, so they pay more attention, the treasure hunt. Finally, we know that children are strongly influenced by the media, and we as educators must teach the difference between fiction and reality.

6.       What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

We have to preserve our way of working together in dynamic manner without internal problems in the group. We also have to preserve our way of organizing, which so far has helped us to successfully complete our tasks. Finally, we need to preserve our optimism as though all our work was wrong, we got to work and got finalized.

7.       What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

For next tasks we must understand what the teacher is asking us and if we have any doubts we should to ask to the teacher, so that we are clear about our work and does not happen again what happened to us this week.

8.       How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?

With what we've seen so far on our level, we can relate this content to the subject of sociology of education, since in this course we saw the impact of media on children and how it affected their daily lives, as they are modeled starting from what they see, and they believe all the fiction they see on television for example

Regarding the projections of maps, I guess we will see next year as we have the subject of geography.

9.       There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?

We can relate these contents with various social and political issues. For example, projected maps have a strong political influence as some show much larger developed countries than they actually are like the case of Europe, Russia and the United States. On media we can also see political influence, as some magazines or distort reality television channels depending on their ideals. About society, especially children, the media affects them because they believe everything they see on television and may even imitates violent acts.

As for my role as analyst I have to say I liked having the power to assess my colleagues, I have also learned to evaluate basing on criteria.

Thanks for all bloggers, I hope you have found interesting.

See you soon!!


1 comentario:

  1. As I have told you some times in class, I do prefer that you express the analysis in just ne discourse, not as a sequence of answers. Additionally I asked you for a reflection NOT just a story about the days... and in this case, the majority of your answers are pre-reflective of maximun descriptive reflections... Please, reflect... THIS is the challenge
