Hello again to everyone! I am Inma and this week is my turn to be the Curator-Farmer of The PowerPuffTeachers. Comparing this role with the previous I had the last week, I have realized they are completely different roles and in every role you have to do an important part of the work that is necessary to complete the whole work. Every role has the same importance than the others so we have to go all out to do a good work. Moreover, I think this role is very interesting because I had to use new technological tools I have never used before.
Here you have the mindmap we have made with all the references we used to do this second week activity called Treasure Hunt and Cartographic projections.
That´s all folks... Hope you like it and more and better next week!
There is a problem. The work you presented on the posts don't reflect any of those documents clearly; the translator is a copy paste work from onlin dictionaries without ANY reflection, SO this map is nothing BUT a lovely collection of refeerences y a pretty format, BUT it doesn't reflect anything from the gourp work. I'm so sorry.
ResponderEliminarApart from that, I miss the complete list of references.