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martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Analyst Post

Hello everybody and welcome to our blog!!

Related to the activity of this week, which aim is know about TPACK.

My name is Maria Garcia Alcaraz and in this first task my role is "Analyst". The work of the analyst consist on evaluate the work of the group.
In order to talk about every aspect of this week, firstly, I am going to comment what was the best part of the activity.

The best part of the activity is the moment of the exposition, when the star of our group, who is able as the rest of the members of the group, to explain and show the work that we have done during all the week.  We feel good and pride about the result of our own work after a lot of hours.

In contrast, the worst part of the activity is when we have to go the whole group at the same time, place due to each member live in a different part of the city. As an alternative we thought about make an online video conference but we rather work all together.

The best moment of the week was when we finally understand what was TPACK, what each one had to do and the moment in which we finished the manual work

The worst moment of the week was the first day because we didn't know exactly what we had to do, what did TPACK mean, we had doubts about every part of the work, but little by little, we have solved all this doubts and problems helping one to each other. Due to it is the first task, we didn't divide the work well at all and two days before, we had to make the majority of the work with stress.

With this task we have learnt what is TPACK, that is something new for all of us, which means that it is an interesting topic to work on, as if we knew what it is, it would be boring for our group.

We also have learnt who to do each role, the way we have to prepare it, and many interesting things more.

Related to what we need to conserve our group, we understand as conserving all the members of our group, we need to conserve the way we dialog, we listen to other's ideas or opinion and what is the most important, work with energy and meet when the group is joint.

In this task we were ask to associate the TPACK model with the subjects of our degree of University. We have found the three principal kinds of knowledge in several subjects:

First of all, we have discovered subjects such as research and ICT and school organization and educational resources which have given us technological knowledge. The most important thing we are going (because we have not finish the course) to learn is how to use technology (computers or digital blackboards) correctly at the classroom and what is more, how to caught the attention of our future students with these tools. Also we will learn how to conduct researches and important resources were we have to look for information.
Secondly, we are going to analyze the subjects we can define as pedagogical. Some of them are developmental psychology, sociology of education, educational planning, educational theories and institutions and educational psychology (when we first did this task we thought it was related with content knowledge but in the presentation we realised we were wrong). From our point of view these subjects have taught us how to react with the society, in general, and with our future students, in particular. The knowledge we have acquire is going to help us to face all kind of problems in our daily live at school.
Finally (but not least important), oral and written communication in English and in Spanish for the primary classroom have gave us content knowledge, that is, the content we need to know in terms of transmitting it to our future students.

There is obviously a social connection of the content of the activity with daily social life. It is connected  to the news, to newspapers,  and the influence increase proportionally  to the passing of time.
Technology is present every day because we have Internet on our personal mobile and we are almost the whole day using it.

As future teachers we are going to use technologies every day and more and more each year, because pupils grow with technologies embedded in their life.

ABOUT MY ROLE: "Analyst".

This week my role is the Analyst, I have to mark the each member's work and evaluate how we have worked during  this week.  I have learnt to evaluate based in some criteria and it is good when you have the power to decide the mark that each member of the group have to receive in a fair way.

Thanks you all bloggers. We hope you like this.

See you soon!!

1 comentario:

  1. I think you don't mean "pride" but "proud" :-)) . Murcia is not a huge city, BUT for being togehter would you test a hangout from Google+?
    Apart from that some of the answers -the wide majority- are a bit superficial, I miss some scritic reflection... there is not any relationship beyond the class or the day to day.
