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martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Translator Post

This week I’m going to be the translator. That means that I have to choose 5 concepts about this week’s topic. This week is about Treasure Hunt, but we also talk about cartographic projections, media and its distortion. Here there are the five terms I have chosen:

  • Map projection: is a representation of the globe sphere on a flat map, using a grid of lines of latitude and longitude.
  • Cartography:  is the discipline dealing with the conception, production, dissemination and study of maps in all forms.
  • Media: is the collective communication tool that is used to store and deliver. It is either associated with communication media or communication businesses such as: print media and the press, photography, advertising, etc.
  • Distortion: is the alteration of the original form of a signal representing an image, a sound, a waveform, or other information.
  • Treasure Hunt: is a non-complex activity in which the participants have to answer some short questions with given information, and then one big question without the information.



2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. All the definitions of the concepts you have included are copied literally from other resources. This is a plagiarism. Because of that, the mark of this post is a 0.
    These are not references, are just links. I have asked you ot use references in APA style allways in my class.
